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Old May 3rd, 2011, 03:20 AM   #1
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Canda
Posts: 3
Thumbs up stay strong

hi everyone, im 14 and a dancer, cheerleader and a horse back rider.

in grade 7 i was called fat and ever since then things have changed.
my story is very long so i will make this short but i suffered from anorexia nervosa , and trust me its not fun.
it started on my birthday sadly enough, i got alot of candy and cake and cookies at school and i didnt eat any of it! and after i felt so good and amazing and "happy"

see this wasnt me being "happy" it was the disease. it wasnt me, its none of you so dont blame yourselves for anything
after that it carried on and got worse and worse, i went to italy that summer and danced 10 hours a day in the boiling sun living on nothing but an ice cream, fruit salad and a slice of pizza and a power bar everyday. i was about 5'4 then. my parents were worried and finally decided to take me to get checked up on. i was diagnosed with anorexia and an irregular heart beat from the lack of nutrition. They wanted to submit me to the in paitent but me and my parents refused. the first months were tough i didnt go to school for at least then i was 78 pounds.
constantly fighting with my parents hiding my foood, giving it to my dogs, i saw counsellors and nutrionists every week! they were all amazing and such a great help, but nothing was happening.
we found a hypnosist who actually changed mylife. he would put me under a deep sleep and change my mind thinking without me even knowing!
after that i knew i could survive.
a couple months later the eating was back to normal!!! i never stressed about it at all! it was amazing!
but then came along depression and axiety. i was miserable upset and axious about EVERYTHING!

i cut myself, and even tried to runaway and kill myself. this went on for awhile. i saw more and more doctors etc. i recovered. i still have my ups and downs but this time i know its beatable!
im now on anti depression medication i dont know the exact name but i will find it out and repost it.
things got bettter, they really did. ive won scholarships in many activites and im known as the happy strong girl!

theres lots more to my story but i should probally be going to bed noww

im always here to help anyone with anything! just remeber YOU can do it. never give up and let anything bring you down. your perfect and wonderful. you all deserve to be happy and dont ever think otherwise, i promise you can get thruough it <3

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Old May 20th, 2011, 09:39 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by never.say.never View Post

Awesome inspirational post - things do change if we give ourselves a little love and time.

My Blog is called Last 100 Days as an Alcoholic
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