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Old July 6th, 2010, 01:31 PM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: in missouri
Posts: 1
Default heartbroken

Hi, i'm Patti and I've been married 15 years. My husband is addicted to porn and doesn't care that I know. In fact he has continually pushed me to participate. His ultimate goal is to get me to put pics and videos on the web of myself and to dance at a stripper bar for him. It's always my bad attitude. was I raped or am I fridged or what's wrong with me, all kinds of girls do this. He wants me to want other men to look and want me. I don't know how much more of this I can take. I don't want a divorce, but I can't see any other way. He thinks I don't love him because i have a mean forced face about taking pics or videos out in open places where others could see me. I don't want to do this. He doesn't care, he'll even admit it's all about him and what he wants while still maintaining he loves me so very much and doesn't want anyone else, and all he thinks about is me. He's twisting everything and making me feel like I'm the one with something wrong? I'm afraid this is going to end very badly. Anyone out there been through this? I've given up going to church, doing all the things I like to do because he thinks I don't pay enough attention to him. Answer if you can help shed some insight. Thanks, p
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