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Old September 25th, 2012, 05:16 PM   #1
Nightly escape
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Default coping?

About a year ago my family moved from a 6 bedroom house to a 40 foot camper then moved to arizona all the way from north dakota and a month before we moved i went into a depression of sorts somedays i think it would be better to be dead than have to deal with whatever comes next other days i can get out of bed and go about my day to day life. My grades have severly dropped since we moved. I have honestly thought about death numerous times. I dont want to tell my family because im worried they might think i've gone crazy. My mother is very understanding but i dont think i should have to burden my mom with these thoughts of mine. Im not sure how to cope with it anymore.most days i feel like night when i sleep thats when im most at peace i want to stay in my dream world rather than wake up to being me again. I just dont know how to cope with all this pain anymore.
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Old October 18th, 2012, 12:15 PM   #2
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 2

Coping is something that you will come to do regardless, you may do it poorly or find a more efficient way to do so in time. Instead of just parroting back all the basic guidelines of things people say to "depressed" people, I'll just be straight forward and simple. Get your grades up, get out of school, all you really CAN do is progress. Whether it's painful or not. you're attitude about life and how you feel about your situation usually goes hand in hand with the way things are going for you. That's why i personally have never done very good with the whole "force a smile on your face, cheer up no matter what, and just do it!" advice when what you're going through sucks.

Just imagine this: you're living in this current situation, get out of school, get a job, get your own little place, go to school(?), then you're on you're way. I have no idea what you want to do in your future, but what i just explained is exactly what I'm trying to do at the moment! Which is why I'm on this website, i haven't been doing too good lately, but it's because I'm not doing anything for myself. I know once i move out, get on my own, and hopefully make it back into school, ill be much more motivated and driven, which i think is a great remedy for depression and melancholy, since finding the drive in life is seemingly impossible when you're depressed. I hope the best for you.
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