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Old June 6th, 2008, 07:37 PM   #1
aka HarmonyTF
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Posts: 66
Unhappy Fighting Depression

How is it that thing are going so well in most of my life..and yet...I'm still sitting here crying. I'm SO SAD. And, I can't kick it. I know i need to see someone.. but i don't want to take antidepressants anymore... i haven't for a while...and i don't makes me feel even weaker than i feel now which is not good.

my boy-friend is worried about me, and I can't tell him anything except ..I'll be ok..don't worry...but..the thing i don't really KNOW if I'll be ok.

I'm a little scared..because not going on... sounds pretty good to me today... and... i don't think I'll act on it... but what stops me? what makes it ok finally?

sigh... thanks for listening... and for the shoulder to cry on..........
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Old June 7th, 2008, 10:12 AM   #2
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(((PBS))) You know that you don't have to "fight" depression, that never does any needs to be "dealt with in a healthy manner" instead.

You also know that medication is often times needed to help deal with a persons' body chemistry - it can help when there is an inbalance, and it's never a "weakness".

You also know that "seeing somebody" is often one one the best thingies a person can do for themselves sometimes - even if it's just for the chance to VENT, which we all need to do @ times to help regain our perpective, and get back on an even keel.

For many peeps, Tranformations WAS that "somebody" - and being able to help others by drawing upon our own experiences was one of the thingies that made it I understand your statement of coming here and being able to "find yourself".

I think alot of peeps went thru a grieving process when TF, closed it's doors for restructuring (so to speak) - and they've never quite found here what they once relied upon as part of their daily lives - and that was mostly the sharing and inter-action with the many members that were once a part of this site. - But who knows? - maybe it was all for the better?

@ any rate, you are here now - and you know what it is that you need to do to be able to help yourself, help yourself.

Not "wanting" to do what "needs" to be done is just an effort to make excuses for not doing anything, and I know that you know that

You take care of yourself, and do what you need to do - to help you, help yourself.
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Old June 7th, 2008, 12:46 PM   #3
aka HarmonyTF
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Posts: 66

ahhhh Papa... you are soooo right about soooooo many things!!!

i made the appointment... i will see her on the 24th - first day she could get me in. And.... you are right... TF was that and so much more for so many of us. And... i never did find another place to "find myself" again.

I miss how it was... but..i know that it's here and I am here...soooo... for me... maybe it will be again...

Thank you Papa...for understanding.... and for your words of kindness and wisdom... knowing that someone else knows what i am saying and feeling...really does help!!
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Old June 9th, 2008, 04:27 PM   #4
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i Can Relate with you On this issue having Clinical Depression (Chemical inbalance like a Scale unless you even it out) "right on the Nose Papa",now seeing Someone is there Personal Choice note:"Everyone is Different" true PBS its like We never Know what the Next day will bring us and thats true (Child of Sudden Loss),as For me My doctor told me you cant Fight it! you go Threw it ,Not Over it ,Not Around it ,it`s Going Threw the Process and it can be a rollercoaster and Not only just cuz of Loss it Can be many types of Conditions to be Depressed Epilepsy,Bipolar,Fibromyalgia just only to name a few...just Remember you may feel alone but your not alone,ignore the Negative Junk,
Think Posative that We our not Victums were Victours,We our 1.
aka Terry357
wink to Lucki
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Old June 9th, 2008, 06:19 PM   #5
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You know that was one of the biggest steps, and prob the best step I took recently. Made an appointment with a therapist. It seemed like my life has been dealing with things that I needed to get over.
What made things become overwhelming for me .. Sort of the tip of the iceburg.

My oldest sister passed away Mar 11, 2007, My son's wedding was planned for Mar 17, 2007. There was no time to grieve. Her services were held that Tues, and Wed.. son's rehearsal dinner was on Thurs, the wedding on Sat.

I chose to dance at my son's wedding, my other sister told me I was wrong. .... YOu know it wasn't wrong. We have pictures of my hubby & 1 dancing, we have pictures of my son and I dancing. ... They were and are a happy couple. We needed to reflect that by really being a part of their services.

Then it was you're fine, No, I wasn't . If I started to cry I was told you're having a break down. .... When the therapist and I talked guess what. My feelings were normal. Adjusting to the changes that happened so fast.
Talking it out with someone who is not judging you is so important. It took me forever to realize that.
So my friend I'm glad you are going to talk to someone. Let them know how you feel about meds. Bet they will work though that with you too.

Good luck,Lots of positive thoughts heading your way. Talking is good, hugging is too. ((((((((((((( to each of you ))))))))))))))))))))).
[COLOR=teal]May your blessings out number the shamrocks that grow... May trouble avoid you whereever you go...... An Irish Blessing[/COLOR]
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Old June 9th, 2008, 10:45 PM   #6
aka HarmonyTF
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Posts: 66

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((PAPA, IRISH and TERRI))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) thank you... all three of you. it does help to talk..and it helps to know i've taken some steps...sigh... an easy day..when the weight of the world decided to rest elsewhere for a bit.
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Old June 10th, 2008, 03:01 AM   #7
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One Day at a Time,be Gentle on "You",cool IrishEyes its good to know
Every Loss Different Greif,we will always have missing
as my brother Died i looked at it differently then my Mom did
Now there both Gone i look at 1 Loss differently then the other
in Unique.
aka Terry357
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Old June 10th, 2008, 03:09 AM   #8
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((( PBS ))) do baby steps
yw hun and yes it is good to talk

aka Terry357
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Old June 10th, 2008, 04:31 PM   #9
formerly HeartFeltTF ;)
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(((((((((((((PBS)))))))))))) i wish you would have emailed me about this hun. I don't know if changing meds is possible but definitely seeing a T is the best step to start out on, I am soooooooooooooooooooo proud of you!! I have had so much G and L in my life since the forum turned to dust it is unreal but now you are all back. I have so many ideas, suggestions, I wonder if Melynn will pretend to not know me ROFL!!!!

Wonder if I could get another title around here, maybe? wink wink lol.

Hugs to you all!!

DragonsRain aka HeartFeltTF aka UncleBuck
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Old June 10th, 2008, 08:09 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by DragonsRain View Post
(((((((((((((PBS)))))))))))) i wish you would have emailed me about this hun. I don't know if changing meds is possible but definitely seeing a T is the best step to start out on, I am soooooooooooooooooooo proud of you!! I have had so much G and L in my life since the forum turned to dust it is unreal but now you are all back. I have so many ideas, suggestions, I wonder if Melynn will pretend to not know me ROFL!!!!

Wonder if I could get another title around here, maybe? wink wink lol.

Hugs to you all!!

DragonsRain aka HeartFeltTF aka UncleBuck
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