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Old June 17th, 2010, 11:58 PM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 1
Default Hello

Hi everyone. My name is Christine. Recently I have started to recognize that I'm depressed. I feel sad all the time, I cry or feel like crying all the time and I don't feel like doing anything. Everything seems like a hassle or huge obstacle to do. It's just so overwhelming. I struggled with depression almost all my life but yet I can't seem to tell anyone... who can I tell? How will anyone be able to help me when i don't see anything can be done.. I feel so hopeless and helpless and alone... I realized that I need counseling because I need to talk it all out but I don't have insurance. Thinking I might call the State Counseling Services tomorrow and see if they have any low-income services available. Or maybe get Medical Assistance... I feel so lost and I don't know where to start...well thank you for listening.. any help is appreciated. God bless you.
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Old June 19th, 2010, 06:12 AM   #2
Jill M.
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 1
Default Hi Christine

Hi Christine,

I'm new to this (I just joined a little while ago) but I think that your reaching out is a good 1st step in turning your outlook around. I've been through many depressions over the years, the worst ones brought on by the deaths of loved ones. I totally understand about feeling hopeless and helpless and alone. I know the pain and suffering depression can cause but I also know that it can be overcome. We are never really alone. I believe that God is always with us even when we think we're alone.

I'm not big on religion but I have a strong faith in God (no matter what you call our unseen presence). I have experienced too many miracles to not believe. Something or someone always turns up exactly when you need it to help you find your way back to the joy of life. Since the last two life threatening illnesses I recovered from, I remind myself several times a day that "Each Day is a Gift, that's why it's called the Present" and that helps me to stay in the present. I found that most of my problems came from not letting go of the past.

Unknowingly, I kept bringing all the pain from my past into my present which I finally realized kept preventing me from having a bright future. Now I just live one day at a time and find joy in the smallest pleasures. I practice gratitude every day even if it's just for small stuff.

On days I struggle to find something to feel positive about I remember that I'm so blessed to live in America because our worst days here would be like being in paradise to many people in so many other parts of the world.

I have learned that everything is relative and we have to change our thoughts in order to really change our life. We start by looking for and finding something positive in every situation because we increase whatever we focus on. Look for, expect and find something positive in every day. The more we practice being positive, the easier it gets. I know that you will find the help and support you need because you are seeking change.

There is a Wonderful site that has Beautiful short books and short dvd's that are free to watch and are so inspiring and uplifting. It's at Please don't ever give up hope. When life knocks you down, as long as you don't allow yourself to stay there you win by getting up one more time than you were knocked down. Take care my friend and keep looking ahead not behind ... Peace and Love ... Jill
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