Hi. I have dealt with depression, personally, and with others. I have found that it is more difficult to deal with other's depressions than my own.
I learned, for myself, that I needed to have an acceptance of the depression, in a way. I don't mean that I think depression is acceptable; I mean that when I faced it and accepted that there was something that needed to change in my life, I began the process of healing.
When depression would happen again, I knew that it was a message to myself that I needed change again. Sometimes, the change was simply my outlook on life or an acceptance of life (people the way they are). I knew that I was a good soul, and that nobody could take that away from me.
It was difficult when I was in a bad relationship, but holding on to my love for myself helped to keep me sane. Having someone in my life (the way your mother has you) always made a big difference, even if they were unable to solve my situation. Just having someone to listen was so important to me.
I am writing in the personal perspective for a reason. It is not because I think it is about me; it is because I am being careful to simply share my experience and not advise. I remember people trying to tell me what I should do when I was depressed, and it never worked for me. I needed to figure it out, with loving help, on my own.
I send a prayer out to your mother and you, and her husband. I pray that she find love and purpose that eases her depression. I pray that you naturally help her in ways that help you, too. I pray that her husband find his way along his path of evolution sooner than later so that she, at least, does not have negative influences that can make a depression worse.
Love and light to you and yours,