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Old October 28th, 2009, 10:07 AM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 2
Default Does this mean I am addicted?

I take prescribed ADD medication on a daily basis. I don't usually take it on the weekends unless I have important school work to do or cleaning to do. I purposely don't take it on the days I go see my psychiatrist because it gives me most of the symptoms she asks about, one of which is tremors and she would be able to notice that. When I don't take the medication, I am so tired that it is almost impossible to get out of bed. I frequently spend entire days laying in bed sleeping and watching television. I am afraid to not take the medication because I am doing so well in school and I am afraid of screwing up again. I was doing poorly in school when I first got put on the medication, I did poorly and dropped out of college when I decided to not take it my freshman year, and I finally am back in school and doing really well. I cannot afford to have another bad semester. When I dropped out I received an entire semester of F's because I didn't know that I was supposed to withdraw from the courses when I just quit going.

What should I do?
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