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Old December 21st, 2008, 03:10 AM   #1
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Default Oxycontin/Cocaine/Alcohol Addiction

I'm 18 and I live in Alaska. When I was 15 I started out with weed and snorting low dose pain killers like vicodin and percoset. And then I experimented with mushrooms, esctasy, and overdosing on over the counter cold medicine. I also started drinking regularly at that age. I progressed into Cocaine and Meth when I was 16. Doing about a gram a day of coke and only doing meth when thats all my dealer had. When coke became harder to come by I got into Oxycontin. I snorted it for about a year and this past year I've been smoking it. I don't do it daily, but at least three times a week. It's what the majority of my paycheck goes to. I never thought I was addicted until I actually decided to quit. And realized I can't say no or turn drugs or alcohol down.

It'd be nice to talk to someone else who has any idea what i'm going through.
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Old October 22nd, 2009, 12:52 PM   #2
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 1
Default Jessica....

I am not some creep looking to take advantage of your situation but i feel strongly for what is happening to you and what you are going through. Are things somewhat better as it seems that your last dated entry is quite a while ago?. If you are still needing a friend to speak with, then please let me know, please be aware of predatory people however, and you should always proceed with caution, please be careful, dont let anyone get to know you in this vulnerable situation. Please let the police know if anyone is getting to you. In the meantime, if you need someone to speak with then I may be able to speak with you from time to time. I am a twotime Mother myself and i feel for you.
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