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Old June 30th, 2008, 02:58 PM   #21
formerly HeartFeltTF ;)
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(((((((((((((crazymomma and girls))))))))))))))) one day at a time. It's good that you realize they need to learn to rethink. Now the hard part, if they are teenagers, is re-training them lol. Take care and good luck
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Old July 1st, 2008, 10:55 AM   #22
aka HarmonyTF
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Moving in and of itself is hard!! I KNOW... we moved so often when i was a kid, I never went to the same school twice until my junior year of high school. It's hard to adjust to that...and then throw in the new cultures and "big city" thinking...and AKK!!

Depending on how old they suggestion for fitting to have them join a club... for summer can be library reading group or something like that...then at school, try to get them involved in an after school activity. It soooooooooooo helps when they become a part of a group of people who are doing something they all like!

BIG HUGS TO YOU!!!! You are a GREAT MOM!!!
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Old July 2nd, 2008, 02:22 PM   #23
formerly HeartFeltTF ;)
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ok feeling depression of my own today. have to make decisions on things i am not prepared to do. scared to death and it's dragging me down. last nite i got to the point of - well - i didn't care. today i know the inevitable is coming, but i have to decide what my life will bring me. just blabbering, sorry but needed to vent. went to the bucket of hugs and couldn't bring myself to use any.
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Old July 3rd, 2008, 11:50 PM   #24
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Hey, They are there for you to use. This is the time you need them most. So please use the hugs as many as you want. (((((((((((DragonsRain)))))))))))))).
(((((((((( crazymomma, PBS, and all )))))))))))

Hang in there. Tomorrow is another day. Nothing changes as much as it stays the same. More importantly.. You Are Cared about no matter what is going on in your life. Remember that.
[COLOR=teal]May your blessings out number the shamrocks that grow... May trouble avoid you whereever you go...... An Irish Blessing[/COLOR]
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Old July 5th, 2008, 12:32 PM   #25
awesome cookie maker
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((((((Irish,PBS,DragonRain)))))) If I have learn nothing else being on the boards, the hugs are always there. The love that I have found with the boards here and at WOW help me get through my day sometimes. These people have become like the sane family I never had!! LOL So thank you is something I cannot say enough.
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Old July 6th, 2008, 03:57 PM   #26
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Depression is the bain of our existance. When I get really depressed all the other things come to the surface to. My biggest problem is with my family, not my hubby, he is wonderful. My family is so full of secrets and denial. I am the only one in therapy. My daughter has depression, bi-polar and has her head in the sand. My oldest grandson seems to be on a campaign to ruin my life. He is also bi-polar and can be extremely mean, as in verbal abuse. I recently told my daughter I could handle the other cr*p if there was just some respect. Her answer, omg Mom he is bi-polar and 26 years old, he is so wrapped in his life that he will take care of respect, etc., when he is older.

Older? Respect starts as a child not as a 26 year old man who has his head you know where. How do I handle it? I cry a lot, see my therapist, even got mad this time which is a step forward. To occupy my mind so I don't obsess I read, watch TV and play my PS2 games. Anything to divert my attention and, ok, I admit it, escape. I don't have alters to take care of things and more, I wish they had left me the skills they had, well what some of them had

Why can't people handle the truth? I know my truth, every rotten step of it. My family escapes it by ignoring it, but it is still there...

I may lose my family but at least I will have peace and quiet. I am close to deciding it may be worth the loss.
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Old July 13th, 2008, 09:51 AM   #27
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(((((( KraftyKid ))))))),
Respect should be taught from a very early age. BiPolar is a very hard disease to live with. The changes, mood swings, some with self destruct to bring attention to themselves. Some act out to hurt those around them. Most do have a lot of love to give. They just don't know how to handle some days.

Is your grandson taking his meds on a reg basis. If not this could be the meaness coming out towards you.

Sometimes they strike at at those they love the best.
( that old song " You Always Hurt the One You Love" ) was never more true than those with BiPolar.

As far as secrets in the families go.. Secrets can hurt. They can hurt for life.

Many many times I remember going to school and wondering ... Do they know what happened to me last night? Do they see the pain from the physical and verbal beatings? /me Shhhhhhhh what goes on in the house stays there. You know the physical pain may go away... the verbal STAYs forever. Like a ghost it haunts. Shows up when you least expect it too.

I forgave a few years back. Wrote a note put it on the grave. Really do forgive. For the most part forget. But, there are moments that they jump at you & bite you right in the ASSetts again. Ahhhh didn't mean to get into all this crapola. Anyway... We move on again.

Darn think I'll grab some of those hugs for myself. Seem to need them today.

(((((((((( Hugs to all )))))))))))))). Remember YOU and I are Good people. With Good Hearts. There is NOTHING stupid or dumb about us.
"..... think about happy not sad.... think about good things not bad.... Sing sing a song make it happy to last your whole life long....."
[COLOR=teal]May your blessings out number the shamrocks that grow... May trouble avoid you whereever you go...... An Irish Blessing[/COLOR]
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Old July 13th, 2008, 10:35 AM   #28
awesome cookie maker
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((((Irish)))) Thank you. I know these words for KK but they helped me. Some times these days things get rough with 2 kids with adhd and one of them has odd . I just need a break sometimes so, I come online to get away,but not leave the house.big hugs to all.
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Old July 13th, 2008, 01:19 PM   #29
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((((((( crazymomma ))))))))), Glad the words helped you. They were from the heart.

Remember in the midst of all this you do need time for you.
[COLOR=teal]May your blessings out number the shamrocks that grow... May trouble avoid you whereever you go...... An Irish Blessing[/COLOR]
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Old July 14th, 2008, 01:18 AM   #30
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FYI neither my daughter or grandson are on meds. Makes it very difficult sometimes.

They hurt me so badly Saturday that I cried all afternoon and most of the night. I begged one of my alters to come back and help me, but she did not.

Sometimes I am very sorry my alters disappeared. Being almost normal is very hard on a person who has only been there for a short time. Somebody should write a book of instructions on "How to Be Almost Normal."
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