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Old April 20th, 2010, 07:39 PM   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 2
Default I cannot get over this

I was married for 12 years. We had a tumultuous relationship. But, we were very wrapped up in each other and very dependent on each other. We got a divorce last February. He died of a drug overdose December 29th.
I cannot seem to get over it. I can't look at anything, listen to a song, think of anything without thinking of him. I know the grief process. I just can't do this! I love him and miss him so bad. I am so sorry for not being there for him. I am dying. I have wanted to die to be with him. But, I am not even sure where he is...I am going crazy.
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Old May 1st, 2010, 03:35 AM   #2
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Posts: 1
Lightbulb Do good things ~> " for him "


I am so sorry about the heartbreaking losses
your husband his soul with you and he needs you at this moment more than ever to pray for him and claims that God makes him happy in his life the other, so if you love him "Do good things to die for him" ,he did not always see you but his heart with you


He needs you to help him
(ACTIONS speak louder than words)

please don't cry again ,because he will be very sad
and If he an existing he will say (( don't cry )) :

LIFE'S SHORT. If you don't look around once in a while you might miss it


Remember :all people loss ,but they live them life If everybody be sad like you or thinking to die the world become sad then you never see any smile.


please accept my deepest sympathy

I Love you so much please Don't sad that's your life and you must like it


{Take care, Your friend : Sara}
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Old September 26th, 2010, 10:49 PM   #3
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Posts: 3

On the day of my late husband's funeral one very dear friend of mine told me something that I thought at the moment was devastating and very cruel. But now, exactly 10 years later I finally appreciated what she said and I even let her know of that.
She said: "Don't cry. Don't be so unhappy. You are one of the luckiest people out there. You will never fight. He will never cheat on you. You will only remember the good things. You will find peace in good memories. You will never part ever."
10 years later I know how damn right she was. So, let me say the same to you.
Very soon, as your good memories keep you going, you will make him up there very happy. And trust me, you will know that both of you are at peace. think only positive. For him.
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