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Old April 29th, 2012, 06:07 AM   #1
Crystal Ann
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 1
Default In a different country with no one to talk to

Someone please help me. I am so in love with a man here in greece, I left america to be with him and after a year and a half relationship he broke up with me yesterday and I am all alone here in greece with no one to talk to. No one knows english and I am trying really hard to be okay and I am not. I need help. I have to live in the same house with him and he yells and me and abuses me more and more and I really need someone to talk to... I don't care who.. anyone, please. I am trying not to hurt myself but I lose it when he is calling me names and degrading my nationality and mentality. I am stupid american who has mental problems and I am being dramatic according to him. I suffer many health problems and have had constant problems with anxiety and depression. The fact that I am here in Greece, being abused mentally/verbally/physically/emotionally is not helping me and I have to live with him until we can get money to send me back to america. Where I will never see him again... and even that thought makes me want to kill myself. He feels nothing while I am sitting here crying for hours. I'm laying in a room alone while he plays video games and doesn't care about me or my sanity. Please help me someone... please before I lose my mind.
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Old April 29th, 2012, 08:55 AM   #2
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Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: South africa ,cape town ,,little town called Manenberg
Posts: 4

Hey!! Don't do anything crazy ok..your not stupid american.
I think that guy needs too grow up an stop being so inconsiderate! I feel for you crystal I'm also deppresive I don't want too be around people but try an get help around ther ..shame I dunno if my words will help but your in a tuff spot being so far from home ,I got too thank u though you just helpt me from making a very bad mistake,you see I also wanted too leave home,but wot beta place too be around the people that loves you.
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