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Old September 5th, 2012, 04:39 AM   #1
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Lightbulb Road to Natural Breast Enhancement

Certain foods and exercises can help reverse these small breast issues! Here are three steps to breast enlargement through the foods you consume.

1.Consume plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, along with whole grains, because this will prevent the overproduction of testosterone. Inhibiting the natural increase in breast size, testosterone is found in small amounts in the female body, and those who overproduce it soon exhibit male attributes, such as minimal tissue in the breast.

Eat soybeans, kidney beans, and peas – also known as sources of plant estrogens. These foods offer plant estrogens in abundance, enhancing your natural production of the hormone that makes breast tissue growth possible. Remember that phytoestrogens are not the same as the synthetic ones you can find in hormone replacement therapies; they have not been associated with breast cancer or other health conditions.

Add freshly sourced herbs to your daily regimen, through the foods you eat and supplementation. Saw palmetto, for instance, is reported to aid in increasing digestion and distributing good fats from the food to your breasts. Fennel, on the other hand, helps increase milk production in lactating mothers, making their breasts appear much bigger and fuller. Other herbs touted for breast enlargement include fenugreek and wild yam, both of which stimulate breast tissue growth.
Breast Enlargement Advisor
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