Thread: Codependency
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Old June 17th, 2008, 01:17 AM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 83
Default Codependency

This is a sneaky little bugger because it takes so many forms. I have had a problem with it for years and didn't know it until my T pointed it out. Sooo being the great and wonderful client I am I asked him how to get over it.

He told me to be patient, kind to myself, know that I am doing the correct thing for everybody involved. Absolutely no problem!!! But the codependency went on and on. My T and I had another little chat about what I should be doing.

He told me that apparently I needed more basic instructions, so now I have to keep my nose out of other peoples problems and let them work it out for themselves. Sheesh..... it would be so much faster for them if I could go back to the old way of doing things.

This is hard work, hugs to anyone else who has to keep his or her nose outta other peoples business.

(((((((((( ))))))))))
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