New Kid On the Block
Hey everyone, I'm Dee and new to all of this. I found this site and really thought it could give me the strength and guidance I need to get back on the right track. I am a 19 year old, in college full time with an addiction to sex. I recently decided to give it up until I'm in a stable relationship so that I can learn to grow. These past months have been pretty bad with it and I finally asked myself is this what I want to deal with for the rest of my life? Much of these problems stem back to my childhood in the Foster Care System.
I know I need help and I will admit that. At the same time I don't want my parents or family or friends to know about what I've been doing because even I find it degrading and can't allow myself to hurt them. But, I also want and need people going through the same thing to help me. Let's hope I've found the right place, because I'm tired of being tired.