Hi there,
I had a shitty morning, tears and tantrums would describe it best, I just don't want to "do" anything anymore. I know what you mean about finding a counselor, it is what I have been thinking that I need for weeks now but it is making myself go and find one that is the hard part, but the longer I leave it the deeper I go.
So are you one medication? That is one of the biggest reasons why I don't want to go see my Dr as last time I went in she wanted to put me on meds and I am really not that keen to do so, I really need to get myself in there and get myself an appointment, my last therapist is no longer working which is horrible cause she was great, I dread what sort of person I will be able to see.
You know one thing I really hate is ll the negative talk and self doubt that goes on in my head, it drives me batty, I know I have worked through this before and I know I can come out of it again but it is how low I get before I get help that scares me.
I have tried to do the little steps but it is just not really working, I am even at the point where I just don't "want" to do anything for me, how do I take that first little step if there is nothing that interests me enough to spare myself some time?
I feel lonely and feel that if i can talk to someone it might help, slowly slowly get things out, not that I feel there is too much to get out but just feeling as though someone is listening would be good. What I had hoped to find on here was like an instant chat room thing, I really felt like that is what I needed last night but was unable to find anything like that.
Thanks for replying, hopefully we can talk again soon and maybe help each other through some stuff!