Thread: Confused...
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Old March 6th, 2010, 06:34 PM   #1
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Default Confused...

So I told the ex that I was starting to hang out with someone. Actually...lets go back a few days prior. I told him that my mom was trying to set me up with someone and his reply was: *pause*"So your mom doesn't want us back together?".... so there he sends me a signal but I really don't know how to take it...

And then one night we were texting and he's like "i'm tempted to invite you over(i live 2 hours away--clearly knowing it was a booty call but i knew it was all in good fun) and i'm like "well i got to work in the morning...but maybe this weekend--except friday because i'm spending the day with *blank*" and he's like "oh...well don't worry about it". He claims he's not jealous but some of the things he says it really sounds like it.

So my question he and doesn't want to tell me or what? He texted me all day yesterday asking me how things were going with this person (which they were NOT going well--boring boring day!). He doesn't like the guy that I was hanging out with...but I just don't know how to take his responses. What do you think?
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