a thought...
I'm sure I'm quite younger than you and I might not be much help but I want to try. My advice is maybe on your time off starting seeing a therapist on your own to talk about whats going on. And as you keep going there might be a time when you are able to really tell your wife what your feeling in a way that comes out to help you both grow. I'm sure every marriage goes through the same thing and some fail. But you need to "respark" your marriage. Suprise her with something that she has always wanted...or take a weekend getaway.
And maybe along with you seeing a therapist...maybe it would be time for marriage counseling. But then again maybe your wife will come out of it. She could be feeling neglected and not knowing what to do herself. It could be that she wants you to take control and help her get out of this "funk". Try to find each other again. I know working the way that you do is hard and people lose each other doing that. But everything happens for a reason and one day you'll wake up and realize exactly what you need to do. Just stay strong...and try to "respark" your relationship with your wife.
Best Wishes!