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Isaiaq May 7th, 2012 05:44 AM

Some skin tips
Hi All,
Thought of sharing some skin tips with others, might help someone.
Increase water intake and add lemon juice in your diet meals. Avoid using harsh soap, cleansing lotions and cold creams. Moisturizing your skin and protect your skin from sun rays. Exercise daily as it improves your blood circulation.

Emanuel July 20th, 2012 06:25 AM

Well wash your face twice a day with warm water, and a mild soap or best quality face wash. You can wash your face, with plain water up to 6-7 times in a day. Avoid scrubbing your face forcefully. Washing face will decrease oil, and bacteria.Avoid to pimple also do not touch them frequently. It will lead to spreading the infection on rest part of the face or body skin.

ABNUR July 24th, 2012 03:08 AM

Skin Care yips
Hi all
Mix banana and apple both of it shake it and then apply at skin its useful skin and eye wrinkles.lemon juice is also good for skin and pimples lemon juice apply at skin 10 to 15 minute then you have good result.

Alden August 6th, 2012 03:16 AM

Using a natural moisturizer is good way to take care of the skin.some natural elements contain agents that are are know to prevent to acne.aloe vera is one of the most popular natural moisturizer that are safe for most people.

Arnold August 23rd, 2012 02:59 AM

Mix banana and apple both of it shake it and then implement at epidermis its useful epidermis and eye wrinkles.lemon juice is also good for epidermis and pimples freshly squeezed orange juice implement at epidermis 10 to 15 minute then you have good result.

meredith October 8th, 2012 03:47 AM

Here i am going to mention some best tips for skin care
- Knowing your skin type is one of the most important skin care tip
- Drink a lot of water.
- Cleanse your skin regularly
- Be gentle, after all its your skin.
- Keep your skin moist at all times

meredith October 13th, 2012 01:51 AM

Here i am going to mention some best tips for skin care
- Knowing your skin type is one of the most important skin care tip
- Drink a lot of water.
- Cleanse your skin regularly
- Be gentle, after all its your skin.
- Keep your skin moist at all times

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