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Isaiaq May 7th, 2012 05:42 AM

Benefits of black tea
Hi All,
Black tea is great for health and so must drink 2 cups of black tea to improve health. Black tea acts as a medicine as it reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease. Black tea is anti aging and good for skin, nails and hair. After drinking black tea, we feel fresh.

Emanuel July 20th, 2012 07:14 AM

Well black tea is made from the leaves, of the Camellia plant. The leaves are dry which gives the tea, a darker colour and richer flavour than green tea.The health benefits of the black tea are same as the green tea.Black tea, is best for the health.
ome benefits of black tea:
1. It was best for health.
2. It will reduce risk, of heart disease.
3. After drinking it we feel fresh all day.

Arnold August 23rd, 2012 03:27 AM

The simply departs are dry which gives the tea, a deeper color and better taste than natural tea.The wellness advantages of the dark tea are same as the natural tea.Black tea, is best for the wellness.

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Clark December 31st, 2012 01:53 AM

Black tea is very good for hair and skin
It helps in cancer preventionGood for digestive tract system
Good for brain and nervous system
It increases energy and very good for heart and kidney

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