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Bradshaw September 21st, 2011 02:38 AM

Face Beauty Tips ?
Hi Guys...

I would like to share some tips for beauty as follows

Wash your face 3 times a day
Try to use fruits and vegetables
Drink water more and more
Take sleep for at least 8 hours

Duncan February 18th, 2012 09:10 AM

I read your post. I admire you to share a very interesting information about face beauty. I follow your tips and I hope these tips really help me a lot.

Crooks.Aiden March 8th, 2012 06:24 AM

I have a mask tip for you for face beauty :
Bring a pure clay mud and pure milk as well.Make paste and apply on your skin for half hour and later get washed your face.Do this thrice in a week and feel the difference.
There would be no acne,wrinkles more on your face.

Adlonnn July 24th, 2012 05:37 AM

Well take the good diet, rich in fruit and water because a best state of health will good ease the oily skin problem. Excessive washing of the face, should be avoided as it will stimulate the sebaceous gland to produce more oil. Avoid, using cleansing fluid that is too powerful. Use milder form of facial solution to cleanse the face. The usage of best skin care products is essential.

Arnold August 23rd, 2012 03:38 AM

Extreme cleansing of the experience, should be prevented as it will activate the sweat human glandular to produce more oil. Avoid, using cleansing liquid that is too highly effective. Use less severe form of facial solution to detoxify the experience.

meredith October 13th, 2012 01:44 AM

Keep your skin in shape with a daily cleansing, toning and moisturizing routine.
It’s very important that you are using the right products for your skin type.
You can get advice from your local beauty sales counters on the best products out there for you.
Remember to exfoliate your skin weekly, this will eliminate old dull skin cells and reveal new fresh skin beneath.

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