alltad225 |
October 17th, 2013 06:24 AM |
moncler outlet uk Aneuploidy are a change in the number of chromosome
Aneuploidy are a change in the number of chromosomes that to chromosomale abnormaliteit can lead. The commonest form of aneuploidy in people is the syndrome, which is caused by an extra copy of chromosome number 21. Aneuploidy is typically detected through karyotyping, a process where a picture of the chromosomes of an individual is analyzed. An aneuploid is an individual organism whose chromosome number differs from the wild type by part of a chromosome set. Generally, the aneuploid chromosome set differs from wild type by only one or a small number of chromosomes. Many serious birth defects and congenital conditions are linked to aneuploidy, as the chromosomes are the repository of DNA, a crucial component of life. In many cases, a fetus with aneuploidy will be spontaneously aborted before it is fully developed, and in others the organism may have a difficult time surviving after birth. Aneuploids are possible a chromosome number or larger or have smaller than that of wild the type. The chromosomes are structures in our warrants which carry ours genetically information or genen. The causes of aneuploidy are not fully understood, but the mechanics are. Aneuploidy is caused by an error in meiosis, the division of cells to create gametes. In other instances, aneuploidy represents a handicap, but the organism is able to live a happy and healthy life despite the challenge. If an aneuploidy is identified, the parents are forewarned about the issues which may face their child. In some cases,moncler outlet uk, parents choose to terminate the pregnancy if the aneuploidy is associated with severe, crippling birth defects which would make the baby's life short and unpleasant. Aneuploidy may be the another cause in pregnancy losses. By testing for common aneuploidy conditions, the risk for miscarriage should decrease. Pregnant women over the age of 35 are typically offered various tests for aneuploidy in the fetus because the chance of these syndromes increases as the mother's age increases. Changes in chromosome number may not necessarily be present in all cells in an individual. It may be detected in just a specific tissue or within different cells in a tissue. When the presence of chromosomal abnormalities occurs differentially within an individual,moncler outlet, it is called chromosomal mosaicism. The risk of aneuploidy rises rapidly as women reach the age of 35 and beyond. The production of aneuploid cells can be influenced by both endogenous and exogenous factors and occur throughout the progression of normal cells to a malignant phenotype.