julianuq92n |
July 1st, 2013 09:24 AM |
trx for sale Do you put your laptop on your lap-
Do you put your laptop on your lap?Just got a laptop, trx for sale, and I hear that radiation is pretty dangerous for the testicals if you put it on your lap. But its so frickin cool laying in bed and holding it there. What do you do? Any advice misc?I get an erection first then I balance it on my cawk.Electromagnetic radiation isn't dangerous/threadcheekyi think you're confusing laptops with cell phones. laptops can burn your legs if they get hot.really? I hope so, this is comfy as fuarkI just use a glass cutting board from the kitchen. Not concerned about my nutsicles, trx bands, I just do it so the laptops vents aren't blocked. Amd its sturdy.some guy fell asleep with his laptop on his lap and woke up to second degree burnsfirst go to a bar and get very drunk.pick a fight with a crowd of dudes. suffer a broken bone that you dont think you will need for a while.go to emergency room.when rad tech puts the padding on you, wait for them to go behind the wall to take the xrays, and get up and run away with the padding.get home and use the padding to protect your cherries from laptop related radiation.pm me if you have any questions, im pretty sure this plan is foolproof.I used to until I took a radiation physics class and found out how much the electromagnetic radiation fuks up your insides. Putting it on your lap is the worst place possible, brb fukkin with your boys, brb fukkin with white blood cell production, brb fukkin with insulin production, brb fukkin with gateway of electrical signal flow from brain to legs, brb brb fukkin brbThe heat from laptop fuks with your balls. (srs) But as for a miscer that shouldn't bother you, buy trx.I just use one of those bed in breakfast table things. Not because I'm a pussy from the heat but because I'd rather not damage a $2000 piece of equipment over laziness, trx suspension trainer.i got it on a desk, cause i prefer a mouse. but if i plan on not using the mouse and it is night time i will sit in bed and use itturn it on then sit on it for grilled anguslol'dso it seems that some surface is required so I don't burn my legs, lose my testicles, or get diabites. good thing I asked. Tnx brethrennoi rather not burn my ballsnotebooks for your deskultrabooks for everywhere elsei put a pillow in between said testes and said laptop srs相关的主题文ç«*: http://2dab.net/vb4/showthread.php?9...077#post242077