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sissakaye December 29th, 2010 12:19 PM

Reasons to Live? Harder and Harder to find..
I always get depressed during the "holidays" starting in November, but my health has been declining during the last year and my ability to take care for myself, my son, my home has almost come to a complete halt. Husband has decided our marriage is over and has even started seeing someone. My son has adhd and high functioning autism spectrum d/o as well as major issues with authority figures and just plows over me because he can. I am so weak and in pain all the time. I have NO friends -am totally isolated because I can't function because of the pain. No one needs me anymore..... I am sooo cold all the time. I am only hanging on because of my silly dog..... don't know who'd care for her.... yet

sissakaye December 29th, 2010 02:47 PM

no replies huh, great so much for 'reaching out for help'

LunaTale' January 18th, 2011 12:45 AM

Hey, Sissa, don't know if you are still out there or not, but I am hoping you are. Your son needs you more that you know. Being a mom, and especially a single mom, is hard work, but you can do it. I don't know what health problems you are facing, but you really need someone. I need someone, too. Let's try to help each other, okay?

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