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proudphoenix November 8th, 2010 10:19 AM

Hi. I'm new here.
I found out about this site from the book "I Wasn't Ready to Say Goodbye," which I bought two days ago.

On that day, I had arrived from out of state to stay with a friend ("S"), someone whom I had met online six months earlier and had started dating long-distance.

A few indications that S might have died two weeks earlier quickly came to light, and after a few calls to friends, the police, and the coroner's office, I verified that he had died two weeks before my arrival from heart failure while hiking.

So now I'm taking this and other steps to manage and start working through my grief.

Though S and I had spent only a few days in person together in August since meeting, we both had said that we couldn't wait to see each other again this week.

I'm planning to move to his area next October, and if things had continued going well, I had hoped that we might eventual started a committed romantic relationship.

I missed the viewing (gathering) of S's friends and family since that happened before I found out about the above.


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