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lilbutterflytatt86 December 2nd, 2008 09:38 PM

I am not the same person
In December 2006 I found out I was pregnant. My husband's first words when I told him were what are you going to do. In January I misscaried at 8 weeks. He was not supportive of how I felt. He complained of me crying too much in the hospital. We became pregnant again in April. In Oct. I was 6 months pregnant and involved in a head on colision, breaking my neck and hand. I had wore a hailo for the last 3 months of my pregnancy. The whole time I sat at home alone. I didnt take any phone calls, I didnt feel like talking. I had my baby in January, I went back to work in April. I felt out of place and quit to be a stay at home mom. I am not the same person i used to be. I never leave the house, I dont want to do anything, somtimes I even blow off my doctors appointments. I dont know what to do. All I do is think of the baby I lost, and how I have no one to talk to. I want to be a good mom. I feel alone.

Colleen8016 December 17th, 2008 01:12 AM

You must seek professional help. What you are feeling is not unusual and is completely treatable. It will take time, but with the right medications and perhaps therapy you can be back to your old self. You'll be amazed! Call a psychiatrist today!

SlowRoxy1988 December 18th, 2008 10:45 AM

I am so sorry to hear of your loss my dear,and you are not alone I used to think about my loss too for many yrs and i wasted alot of years of my life, because of flash back's of the loss and how i lost my son,i was 17 years young back then and had a husband that sounded just like yours.and had to have a hysterectomy when i was 18 yrs old,i was very angery,i was the one whom wanted 12 kids.and never got to raise any at all unless someone dropped one off because they were to busy drinking to give a poop about them,some times women i knew would drop there kids off for days so they could go get drunk.but didnt tell me until they would call later in the night (no concern if I may have had to go to an appointment somewhere)so is to let me know they were going to a party and would i mind keeping them change of cloths no extra dippers no extra food.thank God for food banks.that was a very long time ago.but when they came back to get them then i was left with a deep depression of abandoment issues,and more loss. sence then in 1988 i got into a 12 step group and counsling groups.ive worked on a voluter hot line for suicide prevention, I sponsor many women in our groups.have watched many move on in there if you ever want to talk email me. ok you hang in there honey, and merry christmas to you all,ps i just started to medically retire from my i have plenty of time for ever Roxanne SlowRoxy1988

kalinka September 21st, 2010 02:36 PM

must be very hard to lose a child. the professional help may come in handy. but maybe it is a good idea to get in touch with friends. get out once in a while. do all this with the goal to be a good mother to your child.. who looks towards you for support. your baby is looking to you in dependence for everything. i understand staying at home to want to be there as a good mother, but you might be better off going to work or volunteer your time somewhere partially. this might make you healthier to be the best mom u can be to your baby, like you want to.

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