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Anxiety Monkey September 23rd, 2008 01:59 PM

Do you suffer from a DIAGNOSED anxiety disorder?
If so, please vote as to which disorder you suffer from. It will be interesting to see what the members on this forum are experiencing, and hopefully we will be able to lift eachother up when we need it! Don't worry, all votes are totally anonymous.

Do feel free to share if you wish. I have been diagnosed with 6 different conditions over the past 9 years under the mental health services. My main problems are GAD (Excessive Anxiety Disorder) and Panic Disorder. I am a former sufferer of Social Phobia, and beat this terrible condition back in 2006.

kraftykid September 23rd, 2008 07:51 PM

Anxiety Monkey. I do not feel comfortable with checking off on your list. I have been fighting those men in white coats for so long I am not going to give them any reason to come around now. (WEG)

Anxiety Monkey September 24th, 2008 04:44 AM

Oh trust me I;ve had a good fight with them too. This list was only to see what the people on this forum suffer from as something for future reference. There's too many sites where communities are full of GAD sufferers making advice often useless for people with say Separation anxiety. It would be good to get a nice mixed community so we can all help eachother out where doctors often stupidly fail. That's all!!

rccat March 6th, 2009 01:56 PM

I suffer from GAD, OCD, SAD, Agoraphobia, PTSD, Separation Anxiety, Panic Attacks, and Phobias from snakes and spiders. I also have grief from losing relatives and bosses I took care of, and a dog. I am in isolation, because I chose to. I don't want to take meds. I don't like feeling sedated. I really need to talk to someone who can help me and maybe I can help them. I have alot more issues to talk about, but would take a while. Thank-you

Endevour March 19th, 2010 05:31 PM

Hi, I was just wondering does anyone have any useful advice for controlling GAD? I've been dealing wiht it for 11 years and have been on anti depressants for the last 3 years but there not much use in helping me cope. I've tried various types of counselling CBT, Hypnotherapy, Meditation and although they help to some degree, it really is only marginal. Is there any meds out there that work better than anti depressants cos I'm really running out of ideas??

Endevour March 19th, 2010 05:39 PM

I suffer from GAD

Originally Posted by rccat (Post 772)
I suffer from GAD, OCD, SAD, Agoraphobia, PTSD, Separation Anxiety, Panic Attacks, and Phobias from snakes and spiders. I also have grief from losing relatives and bosses I took care of, and a dog. I am in isolation, because I chose to. I don't want to take meds. I don't like feeling sedated. I really need to talk to someone who can help me and maybe I can help them. I have alot more issues to talk about, but would take a while. Thank-you


Yeah I'm looking to talk to someone too who knows what its like to suffer with GAD so maybe we can help each other a bit. I've tried all sorts of anti depressants and therapy but very little is changing and I think if anything the older I get the worse it gets! How do you deal with all you've got, sounds like a heavy load?

Loomy November 10th, 2011 03:36 AM

After the result from diagnose at least 5 various conditions,me feel free to share with your wishes. over the past 9 years under the mental health services. My main problems was GAD (Excessive Anxiety Disorder) and Panic Disorder. I am a former sufferer of Social Phobia, and beat this terrible condition back in 2008.Now I am fensive free from this.

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