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buddy February 13th, 2010 10:09 PM

psychiatrist will help
For years I took anti-depressants that were prescribed by a general practitioner. Then they stopped working. So, finally, I went to a psychiatrist, who switched me to a kind of AD that fights obsessive thinking. This has seemed to work better for me, although I still have bad days.

But I've also learned that there is a great deal of cognitive stuff you can do to heal your depression, that's why I go to a therapist, too. It's basically a matter of talking to yourself and choosing not to identify with depressing thoughts and stories that--most of the time--are not true.

I encourage you to see a psychiatrist who can put you on the right medicine. It takes a bit of courage, yes, but why prolong your suffering? You deserve to feel good. :)

On Eggs April 12th, 2010 12:18 AM

I have always wanted to be a writer. I like your idea for a new book, "How to Be Almost Normal". Ok, what do you say each of us come up with a different chapter title, and perhaps before we know it -poof the book becomes reality... good therapy also- What do you say?

kennyjoyy September 10th, 2010 05:29 AM

Here are 4 things you can do to feel better:
2)Nurture yourself with good nutrition
3)Express yourself.
4)Look on the bright side

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