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lilmissl July 24th, 2009 09:04 PM

Hi everyone,

I am counseling graduate student. I was asked to join an online support group for a class assignment for my group counseling class. I have had issues with depression and anxiety for many years so I thought that this would be a good place for me. I hope to learn about how others cope with depression and anxiety. I would also like to feel less alone in my struggles.


withyouagain July 25th, 2009 10:53 PM

After reading some of the messages on this site, I felt compelled to share my story. One of the most difficult times in my life was when I lost my father to cancer. Watching my father battle cancer, endure countless treatments, and, finally, take his last breath, was not easy. The entire situation has made me stronger and has helped me become a better man.

shikipoet July 27th, 2009 09:25 PM

Hello. I wish to remain anonymous. I am a 30 year old female living in NC. I believe I have battled anxiety, depression and insomnia since I was a child, but it has really become a problem for me in the last 6-7 years. I am on several medications that cause severe side effects. I'm worried that something may be wrong with my physical health is well. I really need a support group to help me stay within my right mind. Thanks for your help, in advance.

mayorsaab August 6th, 2009 06:07 AM


I am 29 year old male liviing in New Delhi,India. I recently got married. However i am not able to get over my feelings for my ex. i am going thru a very bad phase in life and was going through the web seeking online help in order to get over my depressed feelings and found Transformations.

I found some specimen posts and understood that this can be really helpful for me to get over my pain.

gentlechild August 13th, 2009 01:35 AM

Hello. Sure is good to see some old names here. Seems like when i'm about to lose the fight, something brings me back to this place. I'm an ooooollllld timer. Found the chatrooms on talkcity well over a decade ago. Met some incredible, wonderful nutty people and i miss them. Hoping to maybe get back into an active chat community.

IALUCKYSGIRL August 19th, 2009 01:37 PM

Hello. I am joining Transformations because I need a new start. I need support, something I have not tapped into previously and well, that's why I am starting fresh. I'm looking forward to new insites, information and support.

bmacdoc55 August 22nd, 2009 12:59 PM

I registered to get help and support. Living with a sex addict/anorexic for 25 years has brought me to a place where I am completely changed from the happy, hopeful, joyful and loving women I used to be to where I am now. Extremely depressed, suffering massive panic attacked, can not leave me home. I trust nothing and no one and feel utterly hopeless. I was hoping to gain some insight on how I can get back the women I was.

jeniryan76 August 27th, 2009 10:28 AM

MY fiance and my daughters step father of 4 yrs has up and left me. I have lost my house, my new family and friends. He is having a hard time with his mothers death of a month ago as am I. Now it like he is also dieing. All of these loses has killed me and I wanted to be able to cope with it and maybe help my daughter, who is taking it alot harder than I thought.

ACE28 August 27th, 2009 12:36 PM

I'm going through a divorce and my dad just died

patient1 August 31st, 2009 02:56 AM

I am a single mom of the age of 34. I have recently been baptized. All my addictions to self hatred, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, food, etc are in check. However, I have an addiction to porno sometimes and I also have an addiction to sexual fantasy. I am too embarassed to seek help through my local church. I am looking for a supportive community that can help me reclaim my pure heart. I have been celibate for over four years. I hope that God will heal me and help me go onto finally realizing my dream of being a wife someday to a very loving man.
I looked around the web for secure SA groups online in Colorado. I couldn't find any. I can't afford the cost of some programs, since I am a student.

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