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Beth33 June 16th, 2009 10:36 PM

My reasons for joining are mainly to hopefully not feel so alone in the process of healing from my traumas. There are few people that understand and I need to know that I can talk to someone other than my therapist. Thank You.

wendygirl97 June 17th, 2009 06:17 PM

I'm always interested in something positive in my life. I have been told by a friend that this site is amazing. So I am here to check it out!


kytrina90 June 18th, 2009 01:31 AM

about christmas time last year my mom went through a surgery to bypass a brain aneurysm. Several complications occurred and she had 2 strokes and lost the whole left side of her body. And the doctors don't know if she will ever be how she was before. Now she is like a 10 year old and not my loving mother. I miss her and I want her back how she was and I don't know if that will ever happen.

dearangel June 21st, 2009 04:59 PM

Hi there everyone. I am just looking for a place to find peace and comfort. I recently went through a difficult loss in my life. It was not a death but feels like it. I am grieving so much because it is so painful... I do not feel free enough to share what at this time but need help in knowing how I can get myself back and happy again. Thanks so much, dearangel

FatEnvy June 24th, 2009 05:44 AM

Hi Guys, my real name is Nathan and i'm from England :) I joined because i found lots of good threads and wanted to contribute to the forum and hopefully become well known around here :)

Hopefully i'll be speaking to you all in more depth soon!! :)

davidjohnson June 25th, 2009 06:29 AM

Respected Sir ,

My self david johnson.I am residential of california,united states.
I am a fun loving person i would like to participate in various kinds of discussion.
I would like to request you to activate my account as early as possible.

Thanks & Regards,
david johnson.

IRISH_EYES_99 June 27th, 2009 08:37 AM

Welcome to each of you.

Glad you stopped by & joined in. So many have hard things going on in their lives. Wish you peace of mind.

May I suggest taking that old song/ saying ... " One Day At A Time"..

Take today & do something nice for yourself. Write in a journal, take a walk, read a book, soak in a bubble bath.

For you the caretaker of a family member ask family members, or friends to help out some times. See if you can get a day just for you. It will help replace some of the sanity you feel you've lost. If you don't ask for help sometimes it won't be offered. So go on & ask. It's ok really.

Loss whatever it is hurts. Take time to do something nice for yourself. One day one step towards healing.

Keep a journal. Make sure you write at least one positive thing about you a day. One thing positive about the day.

On the weight loss. You say 50#s ... lower that to start with say 5#s at a time. As you lose the 5#s reward yourself .. ~ a book, or with something that you'd like.. not junk <g>. Giving you this advice need to follow though on it myself. Don't feel bad. Do that journal 2.

Good luck to each of you. Know you're not alone. You're NOT ALONE.

daikapai June 30th, 2009 06:07 PM

I would like to gain insight on how to deal with bipolar, ptsd, and depression disorders from other people that are dealing with the same things.

mimic July 19th, 2009 12:12 PM

I am trying to quit smoking and am looking for support

SATINQUEEN July 21st, 2009 04:34 PM

Hi My Name Is Sarah And I Want To Join This Forum So I Can Talk With Other Members Of The Community In A Safe Non Prejudicial Enviroment And Learn / Swap Ideas And Thoughts

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